LanciaInfo Blog


New blog site and comments

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Welcome to the new blog site. The site  was moved because Apple stopped  hosting, and the new blog software is more robust. Some of the older entries have been getting updated, so its worth checking your old favorites. Please update your links to the main LanciaInfo site as

However, there is a big glitch: comments that were on the site (and valued) appear to have been lost. A lot of effort went into saving them – I thought they were archived so they could (at worst)  be moved to the new site. However, I’ve learned that this was only a link to Apple’s site, which deleted them from the archive.

This is really unfortunate and I owe all of you who have made comments an apology. While I’m a big Apple fan, this is the second time that Apple relocated or adjusted their hosting and  comments were lost both times. Really frustrating.

The site has been moved to a WordPress platform, and is no longer based on Apple software, but on  “professional” blogging software. It is highly unlikely this will happen again. It does mean that files, photos, and large images can be posted more freely, so that is better.

But  if you have the urge, please post comments and add your thoughts. Your feedback is really valued.

Written by Geoff

June 30, 2012 at 12:00 pm

Posted in Aurelia

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